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Membership Management for Club Owners

In this section, as a club owner, you have several important functions related to managing your club’s membership:

Inviting Members:

  • You can search for members using their unique IDs (such as usernames or account numbers).
  • Send invitations to the members, inviting them to join your club.

Member List:

  • Access a comprehensive list of all your club members.
  • Keep track of who is part of your club community.

Removing Members:

  • If necessary, remove unwanted or inactive members from your club.
  • Maintain a vibrant and engaged membership by periodically reviewing and managing your member list.

Transfer Ownership:

  • As the club owner, you have the authority to transfer ownership to another specified member.
  • Choose a responsible and committed member to take over the club’s leadership.

memberlist removing_members transfer_ownership